
Let’s Get Talking!

Every day, I wake up to an inbox chock-full of lovely emails from readers and freelance writers. I can say ‘I wish I could respond to each email’ but then that would be pointless, because I do.

That’s what you get with me — absolute personal attention. But — you need to follow a few quick rules.

Here are four things to keep in mind before reaching me:

1. Please be specific. Messages such as “Can you help me achieve my goals” hardly tell me anything — but they do say a lot about the sender. Be specific with your emails to get a prompt reply.

2. Writing Clients. Yes, I’m available for hire and here’s my writer’s website. I’m expensive but I’m ruthless and get you the results.

Here’s what a client has to say:

Pooja has been excellent with her service, quality and communication. She has been very patient with her support of our work and I am grateful to have her a part of my team, Would recommend anyone to Pooja that is looking for effective marketing and copy material.” — Daniel De Zen, Health & Success Mentor

3. Aspiring or experienced freelance writers. Yes, I work with focused freelance writers. I’m happy to hear from you and answer your questions. If we’re a match, I will move mountains to help you break into freelance writing and source well-paying clients.

Here’s what a student has to say:

“Pooja you rock! Your mentoring session was extremely helpful on more than one levels. It was such relief to actually talking to a real person in real time, getting tailored advice on all things writings, freelancing and exploring the options. A genuine interaction can really go places where pdf, ebooks and scores of videos can never. . . I feel like becoming a “swiss knife” already.” — Ali Khan

4. Interview requests. Yes, I may be interested. End the suspense. Just ask.

You can get in touch with me using the form below.

I read all email. Please be patient though — if I don’t respond in a week, feel free to check in.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message(required)

    Anything else?

    Thanks for reaching me!
